OPtimizing EDucation

Higher Ed 101
Higher Ed 101: Mission Critical, Part 1

In OPtimizing EDucation, by Mia Murphy February 2, 2021

Higher Ed 101
Higher Ed 101: A new introduction to Michigan public universities for policymakers

In OPtimizing EDucation, by Mia Murphy January 14, 2021

Attainment banner
A Michigan Action Plan for Increasing Postsecondary Attainment

In Educational Attainment, by Dan Hurley October 13, 2020

Capitol dome
Memo to State Policymakers: Thank You.

In Higher Ed Finance, by Dan Hurley October 1, 2020

Michigan Occupational Forecast Amplifies Value of College Degrees

In Workforce Alignment, by Dan Hurley August 26, 2020

word cloud fist
Higher Education Must Strengthen its Role in Combatting Systemic Racism

In Diversity & Inclusion, by Dan Hurley June 15, 2020

Guy in a wheelchair
Access for Students with Disabilities During COVID-19

In Diversity & Inclusion, by Will Emerson May 26, 2020

Admissions 2020 – Challenges and Opportunities

In Student Success, by Will Emerson April 14, 2020

Utilizing Pass/Fail Grading During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In Student Success, by Will Emerson April 2, 2020

UPDATED 2/1: Operational Status of Michigan Public Universities in Response to COVID-19

In Health & Safety, by Mia Murphy March 11, 2020

Students smiling
Progress on Michigan’s Student Transfer Agenda

In Student Success, by Will Emerson February 7, 2020

Michigan on map in red
State higher education investment in the Midwest: Michigan’s stark reality

In Financial Aid, by Dan Hurley December 6, 2019

Puzzle pieces
Growing momentum around FAFSA completion in Michigan

In Educational Attainment, by Dan Hurley December 4, 2019