Admissions Directors
The Directors of Admission at the State Universities of Michigan (DASUM) are the executives responsible for selecting each fall’s entering cohort of students. Admissions Directors are present as high school preview nights in high schools, are on the road to meet students, and are working to help increase Michigan’s college-going rate. Meetings of DASUM are a place for peer education and sharing information among respected competitors. While DASUM is a committee of MASU, it has met independently for many years as well.
As with all MASU committees, during their convenings, members of DASUM provide insight on the implications of current state and federal policy issues and fiscal dynamics affecting Michigan’s public universities, Traditional and emerging higher education topics and trends are considered from the perspective of admissions directors, with particular attention paid to such issues as high school curricula and partnerships, demographic change, workforce projections, and college price and affordability.
Admissions Directors
Patricia Young, Interim Director of Undergraduate Admissions
Warriner 102
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859
(989) 774-1169
LaJoyce Brown , Director of Admissions
220 Student Center
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
(734) 487-5978
Jeff Stewart, Associate Director of Admissions Recruitment
1201 S. State Street
Timme Center for Student Services
Big Rapids, MI 49307-2747
(231) 591-3118
Astin Martin, Interim Director of Admissions
1 Campus Drive
300 Student Services Building
Allendale, MI 49401
(616) 331-2025
Jamie Zamjahn, Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Success
650 W. Easterday Avenue
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
(906) 635-2674
John Ambrose, Executive Director of Admissions
202 Administration Building
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 355-6532
Beth Fitzpatrick, Director of Admissions
1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton, MI 49931
(906) 487-1591
Kari Garcia, Director of Admissions
1401 Presque Isle Ave.
Marquette, MI 49855
(906) 227-2650
Shane Lewis (Chair), Director of Admissions
318 Meadow Brook Hall
North Foundation Hall, Room 101
Rochester, MI 48309-4401
(248) 370-3228
Jennifer K. Pahl, Director of Admissions
185 Wickes Hall
University Center, MI 48710
(989) 964-4011
Erica Sanders, Director of Undergraduate Admissions
515 East Jefferson
2300 Student Activities Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1316
(734) 647-0102
Urana Pridemore, Director of Undergraduate Enrollment Management
4901 Evergreen Road
Dearborn, MI 48128
(313) 583-6330
Joseph Vainner, Director of University Admissions
245 University Pavilion
Flint, MI 48502-1950
(810) 762-3300
Ericka Jackson, Director of Admissions
42 W. Warren
Detroit, MI 48201
(313) 577-9290
Alicia Kornowa, Director of Admissions & Associate Provost for Enrollment Management
1903 W. Michigan Avenue
Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5120
(269) 387-2000