Student Affairs Officers

The MASU Student Affairs Officers (SAO) Committee consists of the senior student affairs officers at Michigan public universities. These senior executives have responsibility for all matters that affect the student experience on campuses, including student life, health, development, safety, and regulations, as well as areas on campus like housing, extracurricular activities, student government, and Greek life. They are also deeply engaged in matters of student enrollment management. The SAOs work hand-in-hand with many of their peers, especially Academic Affairs Officers, to provide a high-quality and holistic student experience both in and out of the classroom. The SAO committee meets as a gathering of professionals to learn from one another and share best practices in higher education student affairs administration.

As with all MASU committees, during their convenings, members of the SAO Committee provide insight on the implications of current state and federal policy issues and fiscal dynamics affecting Michigan’s public universities. Traditional and emerging higher education topics and trends are considered from the perspective of student affairs officers, with particular attention paid to such issues as enrollment, student success, civic engagement, campus sexual assault prevention, and Title IX compliance.

Student Affairs Officers

Central Michigan University
Stan Shingles, Interim Vice President for Student Affairs
Ronan 220
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859
(989) 774-3346

Eastern Michigan University
Ellen Gold, Senior Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
370 Student Center
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
(734) 487-1107

Ferris State University
Dr. Jeanine Ward-Roof, Vice President for Student Affairs
1201 S. State Street, CCS-313A
Big Rapids, MI 49307
(231) 591-3578

Grand Valley State University
Dr. Jennifer Hall-Jones, Vice President for Student Affairs
202 Student Services Building
4058 JHZ
Allendale, MI 49401
(616) 331-4250

Lake Superior State University
Dr. Jamie Zamjahn, Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Success
650 W. Easterday Avenue
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 48783
(906) 635-2634

Michigan State University
Vennie Gore, Vice President for Student Affairs
550 S. Harrison Road
Room 3010D
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 355-7547

Michigan Technological University
Laura Bulleit, Vice President for Student Affairs
1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton, MI 49931-1295
(906) 487-2212

Northern Michigan University
Jeff Korpi, Assocciate Vice President for the Northern Student Experience
2001 Hedgcock
1401 Presque Isle Avenue
Marquette, MI 49855
(906) 227-1700

Oakland University
Mr. Glenn McIntosh, Vice President for Student Affairs
150 Oakland Center
312 Meadow Brook Rd.
Rochester, MI , MI 48309-4401
(248) 370-4200

Saginaw Valley State University
Dr. Marie Rabideau, Interim Associate Provost for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
114 Curtiss Hall
7400 Bay Road
University Center, MI 48710
(989) 964-2220

University of Michigan
Dr. Martino Harmon, Vice President for Student Life
6015 Fleming
503 Thompson Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1340
(734) 764-5132

Anjali Anturkar, Associate VP, Student Life
6028 Fleming
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
(734) 764-5132

University of Michigan - Dearborn
Dr. Amy Finley, Dean of Students
1060 AB
4901 Evergreen
Dearborn, MI 48128
(313) 593-4774

University of Michigan - Flint
Dr. Christopher M. Giordano, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
237 University Pavillion
Flint, MI 48502-1950
(810) 762-3434

Wayne State University
Dr. Darryl Gardner, Vice Provost for Student Success, Support, and Engagement
4228 FAB
656 W. Kirby
Detroit, MI 48202
(313) 577-2550

Western Michigan University
Dr. Diane Anderson (Chair), Vice President for Student Affairs
2201 Faunce Student Services Building
Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5348
(269) 387-2152

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