Advocacy & News

Commission Report to the Governor: The State with the Best Talent Wins the 21st Century

In Educational Attainment, by Dan Hurley June 14, 2017

The Secret to Student Success: Actually Counting All the Students

In Accountability, May 23, 2017

May 2017- The Brief

In The Brief, May 1, 2017

hand with marker and the word Talent
A State Agenda with the Right Policy Prescription

In Educational Attainment, May 1, 2017

Hands with papers and calculator
Data Over Dogma: Facts Matter

In Accountability, April 26, 2017

MASU Legislative Luncheon Presentation

In Advocacy, March 15, 2017

American Flag
Unifying to Affirm Higher Education and American Values in Light of Travel Ban

In Diversity & Inclusion, January 31, 2017

empty classroom
Michigan’s Demographics Must Not Determine its Destiny

In Educational Attainment, January 6, 2017

Two men pointing at computer hardware
Want a Career in Michigan? The State Says You’d Better Get to College.

In Educational Attainment, December 2, 2016

Per capita income vs ed attainment
Funding Higher Ed Funds State Incomes

In Higher Ed Finance, October 21, 2016

Word cloud
Collective Action to End Campus Sexual Assault

In Health & Safety, October 20, 2016